is a london based Convenience Store based on Chelmsford, United Kingdom ,they actually have a physicall store but they were planing to evolve in the digital world by understanding the growth in e commerce in everywhere which can lead customer from any side of the world, they were looking for professional e-commerce developer with Digital Marketing Skill Set e-commerce .they found us by one of my friend who goes to higher studies in uk.he showed my work to them thanks brother for the love and trust for me nidhil, when they shared their needs the project is still on work within a time period of 1 year they are very happy with my current work ,waiting for the product photo’s to continue the project,thank for giving this wonderfull opertunity to leanord for having trust in my skill i will surely make my best in this and with the help of digital marketing i will make this site to new heights

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Our Features

▫️Dynamic Website
▫️One year Domain and Hosting
▫️Responsive design (mobile, tablet and desktop view)
▫️Hand designed website From scratch.
▫️E-commerce features
▫️SEO Features
▫️Google analytics
▫️Product sale notification
▫️Email sale alert
▫️Unlimited Products
▫️Brand carousel
▫️Email marketing

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  • Pages

⭕ Home
⭕ Shop
⭕ Blog
⭕ About Us
⭕ Services
⭕ Products Page
⭕ Product Category Page
⭕ Single products Page
⭕ Gallery
⭕ Contact Us
⭕ My account /Login Page
⭕ Dashboard page
⭕ Can change theme colour
⭕ User friendly admin side

waiting to make this store online to make the magics to this store, this will make you reach more heights in the business ,because you already understood the future thats why you take this futurstic desicion 



Release Date

june 2022


E- Commerce Design